For more information about Indonesian Consulate Events Click Here for Indonesian Consulate MoFa Website
There are no translations available. Announcement
Due to Covid-19, the Consulate currently is not accepting walk-in service. All visits must be done with appointment. Please send an email to Alamat e-mail ini diproteksi dari spabot, silahkan aktifkan Javascript untuk melihatnya if you need services or have questions.
Due to Covid-19 outbreak, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia temporarily restricts foreign nationals to enter Indonesia. Therefore, visa application will be suspended until further notice, except for U.S. officials being assigned to Indonesia, humanitarian workers, transport crews, and workers of national strategic projects. |
Who's Online
Kami memiliki 1 Tamu onlineService Hour
By appointment only Monday-Thursday: 09.30-12.30 Friday: 09.00-12.00
Payment The Consulate does not accept cash or card, and only accepts money order or company check addressed to "The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia in Chicago - 211 N Carpenter St, Chicago, IL 60607"
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